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recent update :
My Special Experience: Royal Pirates in Kota Kinabalu!
written on Wednesday, May 27, 2015 @ 1:00 AM ✈

Hey ya'll!! Wow..it's been too long since I last updated..haha.. Anyway, in this post, I just wanna share my special experience with the Korean-American Pop-Rock Band, ROYAL PIRATES when they were here in my hometown, KK for a showcase! *exciteddd*

So, I actually heard about them coming through the radio (HitzFM) and I looked up online to see how I could get the tickets. Then, I found out the only way to get the tickets was to join the Hotlink contest, where you need to post a photo and caption a question that you'd ask them OR post a video asking them a question. I wasn't a huge fan of them (I'm a big fan of CNBlue that time) so, I just decided to post a photo (which can only win the 2nd and 3rd prize). After posting, I decided to actually learn more about them through their youtube videos and such.. Little did I know, I officially became their fan! And so! I posted up a video asking them a question (you may find it on my instagram). Guess what? I actually won the 1st prize, which consist of a special experience + VIP showcase tickets! You don't know how excited I was receiving that email from Hotlink..HAHAHAHA.. I was speechless, followed by a scream a little while later.

Let's move on to the day I got to meet RP [1st May 2015]....
Starting off with the SPECIAL EXPERIENCE, I got to hangout with them in Mari-Mari Cultural Village with another 9 fans (total of 10 including me) and their staffs of course. It's my FIRST time going there by the way (I got lost driving there) hahaha.. It was 1pm when I reached there. I was welcomed by Hotlink staffs and RP fans. They were so friendly that I didn't felt nervous (not like at all but it did cool me off a lil) hehe.. So, moving on.. RP arrived at around 2pm. While getting off the car, the first person I could see was...*jeng jeng jeng* JAMES LEE!!! Well, who wouldn't notice him right? I mean.. he's practically 190cm tall.. you see...
Okay..so you've seen James and Sooyoon from that picture. Where's leader Moon?? I'm guessing he's the one wearing white on the other side of the car. Haha..because that's exactly what he wore that time from what I remember..Should be him then! Next... I'll let the pictures do the talking..hehe
 Welcome to Mari Mari Cultural Village, Royal Pirates!
We managed to play games with RP too!

Here, they're playing with the blowpipe @ The Head Hunters Village.
Fans got to try them too! I'm with #TeamMoon!!!

They also managed to try the Lansaran, which is somewhat like a trampoline. Who gets to jump and touch the thing on top, wins! Basically, all three of them won! Haha..though James got it on his second try.
Group photo courtesy of Universal Music Malaysia :D
So that's it for the special experience with RP! Moving on to... the SHOWCASE held in 1 Borneo Hypermall!
Guess what? I joined one of the activities to win free albums from Universal Music Malaysia. Hahaha.. I actually thought I was able to play games with RP but well... that was too naïve of myself. LOL.
 That's my expression when I was asked to dance..mmhm.. I don't do dance (especially in front of all those people, no!!)
Anyway, thank you for the votes, people! I got to win 2AM's album! Haha..
Aaaaand.. it's showtime!!! Woohoo!

Didn't manage to get a good picture of Soo Yoon playing the drums because he was behind *sigh*.
After a few songs...
 Hey RP!!!

This was when they were being asked questions (not sure if it's considered an interview..I don't think so?). Some lucky fans also managed to ask them a few questions! How nice! One of them was named Jessica.. James be like "that's my sister's name". KEWL.
The songs performed that night was:
1. Shout Out
2. Seoul Hillbilly
3. Haru
4. Love Toxic
5. Drawing The Line (Encore)
*You may watch fancams of their performance that night on youtube (not on my channel though, you can check out videos by "Moonlight")*
Oh! I almost forgot t share about the autograph session! YES! THEY HAD AN AUTOGRAPH SESSION! Only albums are allowed to be signed though..no posters and all. So, I did buy their "LOVE TOXIC DELUXE VERSION" album! MOON was the first person to sign and I requested him to write my name..hehe.. He actually did! I want to show you my signed album but I don't have a photo of it on my laptop yet. Anyway, yeah! He wrote "Grace!♥" (mmhm notice that heart right there) hahaha.. I was so happy (like literally SO HAPPY). Mooooving on.. It's SOO YOON! Well, nothing much happened here.. he just signed and smiled, looking right at me (had eye contact mmhm) LOL. Ok. Chill. Lastly, it was JAMES! I wasn't expecting much from him but I was so surprised when he actually started speaking to me (Ok, I know it's normal to speak..but this is different, just different ok..bear with me). So, he actually said this "Oh hey! You were with us this afternoon right? At Mari-Mari -" At first, I did not hear him clearly (I wasn't even expecting him to speak to me and I was shocked). So,  I replied "uh sorry?" He repeated and I cut him off halfway as I could finally get back to my senses and answered him "yeah!! Yeah I was!" with a HUGE smile on my face. He just smiled back. As I was leaving, I turned back and reached out my right hand for a high 5! He freakin' high5-ed me back! (The happiness I get each time I thought about this is unimaginable) He even laughed and ughhh... THAT SMILE! (I just can't) So cheeky!
That's all for the RP Showcase in KK! Though it was short, it was really memorable as the RP boys were really humble and friendly! I thank God for this once in a lifetime opportunity! Can't wait for their new album coming out soon this year! Lots of love from Malaysia, Royal Pirates! ♥
Here's a video made by Hotlink. Probably sums up their visit to Malaysia. Enjoy!
My partner for that night! We were totally stoked!

Here's Denise! The emcee for that night! Moon actually complimented her hair colour!

So, here's a question for you... who's your bias in RP??? Hehe... Guess who's mine too! (It's pretty obvious from the photos) haha.. Oh! By the way, I'm coming up with a song cover of one of their song! Do look forward on that too!


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