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Apa khabar~

Hello! Grace here!
Random blog about random stuffs and pandas!
Thanks for dropping by! ♥GP




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recent update :

Newbie on the blog.
written on Thursday, January 2, 2014 @ 7:53 PM ✈

Hello! ^_^

          So, I'm Grace and I'm new on the blog! :D Well, not actually new NEW.. I've had several blogs before but yeah, deleted 'em because... 
#1, I don't update a lot (The last post was like in 2010), 
#2, No readers (I think & I don't expect much for this post either..haha), and
#3, Letting go of the past (Well, since I've finished Form 5.. Might as well start a new life 'somehow')

Okay, moving on..
          I've decided to start a blog now because.. (Here we go again)
#1, I'm VERY free (for now),
#2, To see God's purposes in my life (and to be more grateful towards what He has done for me in life on Earth),
#3, To fill you with "Grace-licious" stories (Everyone has a story of their own & this is mine) :),
#4, To inspire others (Just like how others inspired me ^_^)
#5, A part of my 2014 Resolutions ;)

Oh, just remembered about introduction..haha.. Okay, now let me introduce myself to you :)
          I'm Grace Pang from the Land Below The Wind a.k.a Sabah which is located in Malaysia. Yes, I'm Malaysian ;) Oh and I'm Chinese by the way. I communicate in 3 languages, (Malay, English & Mandarin). Hmm...what else about me? If you haven't know, I post videos on Youtube (song covers) :) Feel free to check 'em out here I'm pretty much interested in A LOT of things. I like martial arts (I learned karate ;) ), outdoor sports (eg. marathons), DIY stuffs and music.. ESPECIALLY MUSIC :D oh! oh! and not to forget.. FOOD! Well, this is all I can come up with for my intro. Get to know me more through my future posts! :)
This is me :) (At MV Hannah II)

Now, moving on to what you will get from this blog.. My posts are going to be..um.. RANDOM! (Pretty much about everything! Haha..) I don't think I am able to post every single day (even if I want to..so, no hopes given alright? Hee~) Anyway, I am not really good with words (if you expect to see perfect written essays with bombastic words or poetic writings, sorry, this ain't the place for that). OK! That's it for now.. Be excited for there is more to come! :) 

Feel free to leave comments :) xoxo

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