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8 Foods to Avoid After a Strenuous Workout!
written on Monday, January 6, 2014 @ 3:43 AM ✈

Hello readers! :D

          I've been into health these few days (maybe it's because I'm on a long holiday & I just wanna keep myself fit & healthy..haha..). I've been doing various workouts (both indoors & outdoors) because I can't stand doing nothing at home..haha.. Anyway, I'm just going to share about some foods to avoid after a workout, either from the gym or the park or just at home :) These tips are actually from some articles I've read online & of course some common sense. Let's start!

1. Processed Meat

Processed meat, such as bacon, are high in fat and salts. Foods high in fat slow down digestion. Processed meat are full of saturated fat that are actually harmful to the heart. Besides not helping lose weight, it may also lead to high-cholesterol diseases. Therefore, get your protein from lean meat and chicken or turkey breasts (Nyumm..) Of course minus the skin though..haha..

2. Salty Snacks

The last thing you want to do after a workout is to binge on unhealthy food! Eating salty snacks like potato chips, pretzels and french fries lower your body potassium level. Potassium is an essential mineral to your body for cell function. Therefore, if you are craving for savory foods, try baked potatoes instead :)

3. Fried Egg

Well, generally, eggs are very good for a post-workout meal. It's filled with protein and choline which is good for the heart. However, when the eggs are fried, they get cooked in fat, such as butter. So, it's better to opt for boiled eggs (or pouched eggs) ;)

4. Pastries
Yeap, you need carbs to replace glycogen lost after a vigorous workout, but not artery clogging ones like these. Croissants may be tempting after a pre-work session, but they're high in saturated fat which won't help your muscles recover from the strain of the treadmill. Instead, try a piece of whole-wheat toast with peanut butter. :D

5. Cereal

Cereals can be deceiving, some are healthy and low in fats but some are overloaded with sugar! Some cereals are proven to contain more sugars than a chocolate bar! .___. So, instead, stick to yogurt with granola or swap your cereal with a bowl of fresh fruits!

6. Candy & Chocolate

Well, this is obviously a definite no no. You won't find anything in candies that are beneficial for your body. Although chocolates on the other hand are actually good for health but NOT milk chocolates. Milk chocolates are super processed and loaded with sugar! Go for dark chocolate instead because it is much more healthier and known to help in weight loss (but not too much) :)

7. Bread

Bread alone is not a sufficient post-workout snack. It's made of simple starch that quickly turns into sugar when it hits your stomach! If you want bread, go for a piece of whole-grain bread smeared with a little peanut butter and topped with banana slices (sounds good!).

8. Raw Vegetables

Surprised? (Trust me, I was surprised too!)  Haha.. Well, vegetables are full of nutritional values but they aren't enough to help restore energy and maintain a healthy metabolic rate. Make them more substantial by combining them with healthy, protein-packed dips like yogurt dip, nut butters or hummus. 

          Yeap! These are some of the foods to avoid after a strenuous workout! Of course there are more but that would make this post super long..haha.. There is one other website you can check out for more info on this..just click here

Thank you for reading and I hope you find this helpful! Goodluck!

(All pictures are from Google)

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